Student Spotlight: Ann West in Finland
What is something you want to remember about your time abroad? ”During my time abroad, I want to remember the awesome people that I met and experiences I was able to have. I was able to have an experience of a lifetime and I want to cherish the memories cultivated here.”
Student Spotlight: Ann West in Finland
Describe a moment where you experienced culture shock. How did you navigate it? ”There honestly was not much of a culture shock for me. I came into this exchange with a lot of pretty conceived notions about the people that would be here, but after getting familiarized with the culture in the people here- I realized that they aren’t so different from me. Sure they have different beliefs and ways of living, but so does everyone. I didn’t find anything to be super shocking, besides the lack of diversity which I expected because this is Finland. The population is very homogeneous.”
Student Spotlight: Ann West in Finland
What is one challenge you experienced during your first month? How did you overcome that challenge? “My first month in Finland was definitely a transition I had to get adjusted to. I had trouble penetrating the social spaces. I realized that I needed to put myself out there. I couldn’t isolate myself in my apartment and expect to make friends, so that’s exactly what I did.