Student Spotlight: Camryn Sutton in Italy

What is the relationship to food that the people in your host country have? When do they eat? What kinds of foods and ingredients do they eat? Are meals usually with a group or alone? Are there any traditions or customs surrounding food that aid digestion?

“In my host country, their relationship to food is very significant. Not only is it something where you can come together and enjoy. It’s a time where you can meet new people and enjoy a long meal with family and friends. It’s a peaceful and long period where the people in Rome truly connect with each other. They usually eat after 7 pm. As restaurants are usually closed between a certain period. The main meals here are paste and pizza. Which are usually with a huge group or a romantic partner. The traditional thing here is to come together as one and connect with others while enjoying a meal.”

What does daily movement look like in your host country? Do people mainly drive cars or use public transportation? Do they walk or bike? Do you see people exercising? Are exercise facilities available and accessible?

“In Rome people mainly tend to walk or bike around. Another huge and popular thing is to take public transportation. It is so popular here, and is extremely convenient when you want to get around. When it comes to the gyms they aren’t really talked about much, but they have many locations where I live. Since it is a place where people mainly walk, it seems like that is usually a place of exercise for them.”

Is there a cadence or rest in your host country? Do people generally go home or start their work or school at a certain hour? Do they have periods of rest during the day? Is there urgency or relaxedness in your host culture?

“Yes! I actually love that Rome has a period of time where everyone just rests. From 3 to 5 pm a lot of restaurants tend to be closed. It’s basically setting the tone that you should be inside and resting. It’s almost like a period of relaxation where you can just breathe. Whether you need to get away from something or just breathe it is really beneficial. The idea of relation is something that is popular is Rome, Italy which I tend to enjoy! Of course when you are studying abroad in a new place you tend to always be active. With places being closed at certain hours, it reminds me that sometimes it is ok to take a break.”


Student Spotlight: Brooklyn Washington in France


Student Spotlight: Alexia Hosein in South Korea