Student Spotlight: Brooklyn Washington in France
Joy Donnelly Joy Donnelly

Student Spotlight: Brooklyn Washington in France

What is one challenge you experience during your first month? How did you overcome that challenge?

"A challenge I experienced during my first month was securing housing. When I arrived, all the students had hotel accommodations for 10 days. After that, we had to secure and find our own housing. The Student Village (university dorms) is currently being renovated, and the students were aware until arrival. I had connected with a lady I met on the plane who has been very welcoming and helpful. I reached out to her to see if she knew any open apartments, or host families. She helped me find a permanent location while I am here abroad. If it wasn’t for me asking for help, then I would probably still be stuck in a hotel and paying a lot more money for housing accommodations."

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Top Things to Do When You Arrive in Your Study Abroad Country
Joy Donnelly Joy Donnelly

Top Things to Do When You Arrive in Your Study Abroad Country

Studying abroad is an exciting adventure filled with new experiences, cultures, and opportunities for personal growth. However, the initial arrival in a new country can be overwhelming. To help you navigate this transition smoothly, here are the top things to do when you first arrive in your study abroad destination:

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Embracing Culture: Ways to Experience Authenticity While Traveling
Joy Donnelly Joy Donnelly

Embracing Culture: Ways to Experience Authenticity While Traveling

Traveling is not just about visiting new places; it’s an opportunity to immerse yourself in different cultures, traditions, and lifestyles. Experiencing culture while traveling enriches your journey and broadens your perspective. Here are some effective ways to dive deep into the cultural fabric of your destination:

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Student Spotlight: Charlise Norris in Japan
Joy Donnelly Joy Donnelly

Student Spotlight: Charlise Norris in Japan

What skills have you learned while living abroad? ”I’ve managed to get around in unfamiliar places, whether that’s taking the train, a taxi, ora bus. Traveling around and being reliant on public transportation means facing some challenges, and I’ve gotten much better at brushing them off. I’ve also gotten more creative with my cooking! There are some ingredients and spices that I don’t have access to here, so I’ve had to learn how to make different cuisines and substitute certain things.”

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Supporting LGBT Students in Study Abroad
Joy Donnelly Joy Donnelly

Supporting LGBT Students in Study Abroad

Supporting members of the LGBT community who are studying abroad involves creating a safe and inclusive environment for them to thrive. Here are some ways to support them:

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5 Tips for Returning Home After Study Abroad
Joy Donnelly Joy Donnelly

5 Tips for Returning Home After Study Abroad

Remember, it's normal to experience a range of emotions when returning home after studying abroad. Give yourself time to adjust and be kind to yourself during this transition period.

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Student Spotlight: Charlise Norris in Japan
Joy Donnelly Joy Donnelly

Student Spotlight: Charlise Norris in Japan

What is something you want to remember about your time abroad? ”I believe that it will be easy to remember the larger excursions I’ll take while I’m here. For example, I’ll never forget my trip around Mt. Fuji or the nightlife in Shibuya. However, what I’m growing to love the most are the more mundane, everyday things. My train rides to school every day, wandering around in a new neighborhood of Tokyo once a week, and getting snacks from the convenience stores are a few of the things I’m sure I’ll subconsciously miss. I hope I don’t forget to cherish these small moments.”

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Student Spotlight: Kentrell Louis in the UK
Joy Donnelly Joy Donnelly

Student Spotlight: Kentrell Louis in the UK

What is something you want to remember about your time abroad?”I just made it back from the Western side of the United Kingdom and am glad to say I was able to visit many places like Plymouth, Westminster, and Oxford. One thing I would like to remember about my study abroad experience is the different views I was able to have of different architecture and natural terrain. While the United Kingdom has deep historical roots, many of the buildings and architecture you'll see were built centuries ago. Considering this, I believe the buildings and the beautiful natural terrain are both once-in-a-lifetime sights to see.”

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Student Spotlight: Ann West in Finland
Joy Donnelly Joy Donnelly

Student Spotlight: Ann West in Finland

What is something you want to remember about your time abroad? ”During my time abroad, I want to remember the awesome people that I met and experiences I was able to have. I was able to have an experience of a lifetime and I want to cherish the memories cultivated here.”

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Student Spotlight: Ann West in Finland
Joy Donnelly Joy Donnelly

Student Spotlight: Ann West in Finland

Describe a moment where you experienced culture shock. How did you navigate it? ”There honestly was not much of a culture shock for me. I came into this exchange with a lot of pretty conceived notions about the people that would be here, but after getting familiarized with the culture in the people here- I realized that they aren’t so different from me. Sure they have different beliefs and ways of living, but so does everyone. I didn’t find anything to be super shocking, besides the lack of diversity which I expected because this is Finland. The population is very homogeneous.”

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Student Spotlight: Kentrell Louis in the UK
Joy Donnelly Joy Donnelly

Student Spotlight: Kentrell Louis in the UK

What is one challenge you experienced during your first month? How did you overcome that challenge? “The bus system is the first challenge I have experienced while in Colchester. Being raised in a small town forced me to walk or drive, so I had only experienced riding a bus once I came to the United Kingdom.

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Welcoming Countries for African American Travelers
Joy Donnelly Joy Donnelly

Welcoming Countries for African American Travelers

For African American travelers, it is essential to consider destinations that are safe and welcoming, where they can feel comfortable and respected. In this blog post, we will highlight some countries known for their hospitality and inclusivity towards African American travelers.

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Student Spotlight: Ann West in Finland
Joy Donnelly Joy Donnelly

Student Spotlight: Ann West in Finland

What is one challenge you experienced during your first month? How did you overcome that challenge? “My first month in Finland was definitely a transition I had to get adjusted to. I had trouble penetrating the social spaces. I realized that I needed to put myself out there. I couldn’t isolate myself in my apartment and expect to make friends, so that’s exactly what I did.

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How travel is beneficial to Gen Z
Joy Donnelly Joy Donnelly

How travel is beneficial to Gen Z

Travel is not just a leisure activity; it is a transformative experience that can greatly benefit Generation Z in several ways. Generation Z, the cohort born between the mid-1990s and the early 2000s, is known for being tech-savvy and globally connected. However, amidst the digital age, the importance of travel should not be underestimated.

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Celebrating the Holidays while Studying Abroad
Joy Donnelly Joy Donnelly

Celebrating the Holidays while Studying Abroad

Studying abroad during the holiday season can be both exciting and challenging. Being away from family and friends during this time can make you feel homesick. However, it also presents a unique opportunity to celebrate the holiday in a foreign country, immersing yourself in a new culture and creating memorable experiences.

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