Student Spotlight: Dakarai Lanes in Qatar
What is the relationship to food that the people in your host country have? When do they eat? What kinds of foods and ingredients do they eat? Are meals usually with a group or alone? Are there any traditions or customs surrounding food that aid digestion?
“I had the amazing opportunity to go to a cultural house last month to learn about the history of Qatar and with that I was able to learn a lot of things about their traditions, especially those around eating. Qatari culture is centered around community and the hospitality that comes by association, most meals eaten as a group, and at its largest as a community where every family brings one dish. Another important custom of Qatari culture is found in the majlis or “sitting room” of houses and gathering areas. Traditionally, Arabic coffee is served by the host of majlis, and all are welcome to join for a cup and great conversation.”
What does daily movement look like in your host country? Do people mainly drive cars or use public transportation? Do they walk or bike? Do you see people exercising? Are exercise facilities available and accessible?
“For me, it was a must for me to bring my skateboard from home, but even with the added movement that from my skateboard I still use the tram on Education City’s campus to get around from time to time. Doha also has an widespread metro system that goes throughout the entire city, combine that with cheap Ubers, taxi services, public buses, and rentable scooters, the transportation in Doha is so beautifully clean, accessible, and efficient.”
Is there a cadence or rest in your host country? Do people generally go home or start their work or school at a certain hour? Do they have periods of rest during the day? Is there urgency or relaxedness in your host culture?
“As an Islamic state, the call to prayer can be heard 5 times a day, with two of them being during the middle of the day, because of this most events and such are scheduled around to not conflict with the prayer times. Fridays are also days in which the hours of operations of most businesses will change to a later opening time.”