Student Spotlight: Charlise Norris in Japan
What skills have you learned while living abroad? ”I’ve managed to get around in unfamiliar places, whether that’s taking the train, a taxi, ora bus. Traveling around and being reliant on public transportation means facing some challenges, and I’ve gotten much better at brushing them off. I’ve also gotten more creative with my cooking! There are some ingredients and spices that I don’t have access to here, so I’ve had to learn how to make different cuisines and substitute certain things.”
Student Spotlight: Charlise Norris in Japan
What is something you want to remember about your time abroad? ”I believe that it will be easy to remember the larger excursions I’ll take while I’m here. For example, I’ll never forget my trip around Mt. Fuji or the nightlife in Shibuya. However, what I’m growing to love the most are the more mundane, everyday things. My train rides to school every day, wandering around in a new neighborhood of Tokyo once a week, and getting snacks from the convenience stores are a few of the things I’m sure I’ll subconsciously miss. I hope I don’t forget to cherish these small moments.”